@kenyaanondabeat [Music Producer / Composer]

@kenyaanondabeat [Music Producer / Composer]

My name is Kenyaan Williams. I am a music producer / composer who goes by “KenyaanOnDaBeat”.  I have a huge following & millions of streams independently. I have over 1000 beats/instrumentals ready to be sent out for placements, radio play and sync licensing opportunities. Here’s a demo of my work. Feel free to contact me if you hear something you like.

Here is a link to my Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/artist/kenyaanondabeat/1313686637

Here is a link to my Audiomack: audiomack.com/kenyaanondabeat

Here is a link to my Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/3KTYzui5PmoEqZRy1sXoFD?autoplay=true

Here is a link to my Google: www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0zDLMMMwqz8gzYPTiz07Nq0xMzMvPS0lMSk0sAQCkrwrZ&q=kenyaanondabeat&rlz=1C1FKPE_enUS927US927&oq=kenyaa&aqs=chrome.1.69i59j46j69i59l2j69i57j0i10l2j0l2j0i395.2463j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Here is a link to my YouTube: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kenyaanondabeat

Album Releases: www.youtube.com/@KenyaanOnDaBeat/releases

Apple Albums: music.apple.com/us/artist/kenyaanondabeat/1313686637/see-all?section=full-albums

Official Website: unitedmasters.com/a/kenyaanondabeat
LinkTree: linktr.ee/kenyaanondabeat
KODB Music App: li.sten.to/kenyaanondabeat
SongWhip App: songwhip.com/kenyaanondabeat

Kenyaanondabeat | Official Website, Listen, Merch, Tours

Discover the KODB Mobile App through this link: linktr.ee/kenyaanondabeat Explore the KODB Music Streaming App here: li.sten.to/kenyaanondabeat Find all tracks by KenyaanOnDaBeat on SongWhip: songwhip.com/kenyaanondabeat Follow KenyaanOnDaBeat on Instagram: @KenyaanOnDaBeat | @KODBApp Check out his profiles: www.instagram.com/kenyaanondabeat www.instagram.com/kodbapp Stay updated with KODBOfficial on Twitter: @KODBOfficial | Visit their Twitter page:
