Simone Miller

Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
My music is an ode to unusual and specific feelings about life. As a teenager I am constantly in a state of navigating my surroundings, as well as the many changes necessary when preparing for adulthood. My music is lyrically driven as most of my songs stemmed from poems. My music is also melodically emotional as there is great intention behind every single sound. I hope to leave my listeners with something different each time they listen to one of my songs. In summary, my music is honest, intelligent and a safe space to all.

When did you start performing?
My first performance was at my elementary school’s talent show! The moment I stepped on that stage I knew I had found my passion in life. Since then I’ve worked hard to perfect my craft with music lessons, performance workshops and practice. I truly cannot go a day without singing. Through highschool I took every opportunity that came my way if it meant I got to perform. Eventually, I launched my professional career in music with my debut single in 2020, which boosted my opportunities immensely. My biggest performance to date has been opening up for Blue Rodeo and the Arkells at Rebel nightclub in downtown Toronto. However, recently I have many performance opportunities brewing and I cannot wait to share them!

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
My hometown is a very secluded area just north of king city ontario. It is a very peaceful place that really aided my writing. I would often take long walks through trails to clear my head and write. I didn’t have many friends in my hometown as it was very isolated however, I believe that gave me the opportunity to really find my sound without being swayed or influenced by others. I never felt the need to conform to what my friends were listening to as I could escape all opinions in my hometown.

What performers have been your inspiration?
I have been inspired by a myriad of artists but to name a phew, I would have to say, Stevie Wonder and Lizzy McAlpine. Stevie Wonder has always been a tremendous inspiration to me, some of my earliest memories are of his music playing. I have always been in awe of his ability to articulate his message so beautifully. In addition his chord progressions and modulations are incredible and have definitely been a blueprint for some of my own music. I also love Lizzy McAlpine, when her most recent album “five seconds flat” came out I listened to nothing else but her album for a month straight. Everything about her music draws me in and inspires me to lean into what makes me unique as an artist. Both of these performers have really molded me into who I am musically.

What do you base your success on?
I base my success on happiness. Though I am aware happiness is not a perennial emotion as long as I am happy for the majority of the time I am successful.

What was your latest musical release?
My latest release is my single entitled “Turning”. This song is my reminder to take life one day at a time. When you have many goals and projects on the horizon it is very easy to become engulfed and overwhelmed. At the end of the day we are all human and need the time and space to be able to function and remain healthy. By remaining grounded and present we are able to see that no matter what the world keeps turning.

Do you have any news to share?
I do have many exciting things in the works as of right. However, none of which I can share quite yet. Everyone can keep up with me through social media and my website to stay updated when I am able to share any new news!

How can fans find you?





Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

Thank you so much for this interview! I hope I was able to connect with you and give you a look into my character and music! Wishing everyone health and prosperity! 🙂