Kristi Jacques

Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
I just started seriously writing and recording in 2021 after a very long time away from music. Most of the time my lyrics come to me at unexpected times. They can even wake me up in the middle of the night. So much of what I write is based on my life, my experiences and my take on what's going on in the world. I write from the heart. I have tried to write things that aren't related to me but they never work and are very unauthentic. I have to stay true to my story. I work some great co-writers who help with the music and melody. As I move forward, I hope to do more of the music and melody composition myself, but I enjoy the collaboration so much.

When did you start performing?
I started performing as a vocalist years and years ago. I performed with a choral group, with a country band on occasion and several open mic nights. I have been unable to perform anywhere since I started back due to some health issues but it doesn't stop me from writing and recording, so I keep doing that. I love working in my home studio. Again, I am working with a great team and my producer is the best.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
I grew up in Charleston, SC but moved to Myrtle Beach, SC in the late 90's. Both cities have a fairly vibrant music scene, Charleston especially. That is where it all began for me. I don't really think that my location has had any real impact on my music because I write what I feel. There of course could be some influences in there but I don't really pay attention to that.

What performers have been your inspiration?
There have been, and still are so many. I am inspired by many different artists and genres. I started out studying classical and had a vocal coach who was an opera singer. She inspired me. I love Stevie Ray Vaughn, Bonnie Raitt, Freddie Mercury, Heart, and have always been a huge Prince fan. In more recent years, I am inspired by really great and prolific songwriters like Myles Kennedy. I say that he is the reason that I even started back with music after going down the YouTube rabbit hole when the world shut down. He inspired me to start learning guitar again, and the rest is history. I would tell him that he actually changed my life because I rediscovered my passion for music again and haven't looked back. Two albums in a year, with more music on the way. I've never been happier.

What do you base your success on?
I see success as just being happy with who I am and what I'm doing. Thank goodness I didn't get back into music for the money, lol because I would be disappointed. But truthfully I love writing, I love singing, trying to play the guitar and recording. I have made some wonderful friends in the process. That's the real success.

What was your latest musical release?
My latest album, "Working On A Dream" was just released on Friday, June 2. Again, the originals come from the heart and from my own story. There is one cover on this album. I've always loved The Eurythmics so I did a cover of "Sweet Dreams". It was so much fun to do.
I also have another single being released on June 9th from a 4 song recording session I did in Nashville the beginning of 2023. I'm excited about that. I worked with great co-writers again and a great producer. The first single, "Better Late Than Never" is about finally figuring out my place in the world and doing what I love, even though it took a long time.

Do you have any news to share?
The news I have to share is not that great right now, but will be. I told you earlier that I am unable to perform live due to health issues. Those issues are lung related and I am in the process of getting on the transplant list for a double lung transplant later this year. Once I get that done and fully heal, I will be performing anywhere and everywhere I can. You may get tired of seeing me. lol
I will continue to write and record as much as I can now, then work on all of the promotion while I am healing. It's scary but exciting at the same time.
A little shameless self-promotion, I am trying to raise money to relocate temporarily to live close to the transplant center in Charleston. Every little bit helps.

How can fans find you?

Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

Sometimes I look back and wish I had not given up on music so many years ago, but then I realized that I would not have been ready for it back then. I am now older and wiser, have more to say and more gratitude. I try to be kind to all, treat everyone with respect and do better each day. I am happy and that is what matters. If you find something that makes you happy, something that really matters to you, then just go with it. Don’t give up. It may take some time, but “better late than never”.