The Cactus 5


The Cactus 5
Genre: Rock
Subgenre: Roots, Surf, Folk, Country, Celtic.
Location: San Diego. CA, USA
I am an Australian singer and songwriter living in San Diego, California. I have strong opinions about the way the world should be, although i try to stay off my soapbox.I have been lucky to travel a lot in my life and go a lot further than i thought my beginnings would allow. I have been in love four times in my life in alphabetical order. Janine, Kimberly Laura and Michelle. (Well, five times really counting my sweet little girl Grace.) I had a few fallow years where I was not writing much and wasn’t playing at all.  But I have rectified that problem and met some good players and I am busy again making up songs and performing them wherever I can. I have a couple of projects in the works. Coffin ship: which is a collection of songs that draw from the seven seas. Six string box: Songs that i call my square pegs for round holes. Jubilee: songs largely writen during “Depression 2.0″) That’s a lot of new songs aint it. So hopefully you’ll get to hear them soon if you have an interest in what i am doing.When i grow up i want to go to the moon and mine Helium 3.

We can be found playing at local bars in San Diego. We’re working on doing some recording for an upcoming project ” The Coffin Ship”
Charlie Wells blog