
Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
I’m a Symphonic Soul artist, which means that my music encapsulates soul, and the symphonic sounds I love so much about music in the 60s and 70s. There are some other genres under that umbrella, but Symphonic Soul is the best way I can describe what I do.

When did you start performing?
I’ve been performing pretty much my whole life. I began performing as JoDavi since 2018. My main band and I go way back to playing in church together, and just other past projects. It was a no-brainer building my team with them. There’s a synergy we have that only comes with time.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
My hometown is Stockton, California. Though I live on the east coast now, Stockton is still the stomping grounds for me. That’s where I started my first band, and practically all my other projects, including Joshua David, which later on became JoDavi.

What performers have been your inspiration?
India Arie first and foremost. Her songwriting and ability to connect with her audience on such a personal level has always been a blessing to me. The instrumentation of her live performances would always blow me away as well. I’ve been chasing that sound ever since I saw her live after my first band opened for her in 2012.

What do you base your success on?
I base my success on what kind of impact my music has on people. Many of the songs I write are rooted in scripture, and sometimes with a heavy message. I don’t just want people to enjoy the performance sonically; I want the music to move them, encourage them, even convict them if need be. There always has to be a purpose. Otherwise, we’re just making noise.

What was your latest musical release?
I’ve released a few singles since this, but my latest full length release is called ‘Zion.’ The inspiration for that musically are a few of my favorite artists/bands and their albums:

India Aria: Acoustic Soul, and Voyage to India
Tommy Sims: Peace & Love
5th Dimension
Earth Wind and Fire

The deeper inspiration was more divine than anything else.

Do you have any news to share?
This fall, my band and I will be in Paris for a few shows. Canada is on the docket for 2024, as well as South Africa and Israel again. We’re excited to take this message globally.

How can fans find you?
Link Tree has all of my links. People can find me here:

Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

For those wanting to support artists like myself, one major way is to become a paid subscriber to my Substack. I write a lot, and have podcasts occasionally, and every paid subscriber gets special benefits including early access to new music!