Craig Archibald Releases “The Actor’s Mindset”
“You are not a civilian,” writes Craig Archibald in a key passage of his new book, The Actor’s Mindset: Acting as a Craft, Discipline, and Business. “You may sacrifice a great deal to be able […]
“You are not a civilian,” writes Craig Archibald in a key passage of his new book, The Actor’s Mindset: Acting as a Craft, Discipline, and Business. “You may sacrifice a great deal to be able […]
Ray Arata Author of Showing Up: How Men Can Become Effective Allies in the Workplace comes across as one of those congenial guys you’d want to grab a beer with. Someone who is the best […]
The history of rock has always been defined by those brave enough to pick up the guitar. The strumming of the strings, the electrifying harmonies formed beside the bass and the singer, the sheer volume […]
Robert J. Kohlhepp’s new book is titled Build a Better Organization. The succinctness of the title is matched by its thesis statement-like abilities. Kohlhepp cuts through the proverbial foliage and states things in a house […]
Solving the Productivity Puzzle by Tim Ringo arrives in an appealing dark cover with high-contrast white block print and a modern sweep on and old graph celebrating the transition from red under the line to […]
Transformers of a modern age might not know career fear, but if you’re here, now, you probably recognize this fear all too well in your own life. Somi Arian conceptualizes this ideology, centering the basis […]
Results-driven leaders need the practical tools shared in Jill Ratliff’s book, Leadership Through Trust & Collaboration. This book offers dynamic and specific steps to put you on the right track if you’re looking up the […]
Defining a corporate board and then selecting members is a task not taken lightly by the average business owner. The critical point of reference for any board member remains experience and knowledge of the company […]
This report based on Disrupting Corporate Culture by David G. White Jr. reveals many problem/solution resources in case study scenarios. The author talks about a better way to accomplish tasks in the corporate setting, using […]
Ford ventures in where most fear to tread, Dangerous Love. The irony. The beginning of the book reminds me that conflict resolution isn’t as easy as we might hope, working our way through relationships, seeking […]
Determination to complete a good plan means executing the program in pieces that allow action to lead. When you’ve pulled together the best plan of the century and the process stops there, nothing happens. Reading […]
So excited to start THIS book! We share first names. When I reviewed the book, I noticed there’s a download that comes when you purchase the book, so I clicked on the link and downloaded […]
Writers often ask me how to find their voice. I’ll forever recommend this book, because it begins with the line I’ve used a million times, “Your voice isn’t lost.” And Caroline continues explaining that you […]
The Blendification System by Daniel Bruder offers methods of connecting culture, strategy and execution within the business, professional setting. The obvious thought put into the concept reveals the authors intent to find solutions. Concepts of […]
It is cliché, though true, to say the world is changing faster than ever. Social upheaval is rife, financial markets are in a constant state of transformation, and technology continues developing at a breakneck pace. […]
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