Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
My music is Christian music, the encompasses many genres of music, with the sounds of Pop, Rock, Dance, Hip Hop, & R & . I consider it to be a more edgy than your normal Christian song. I don't have a problem with telling a straight forward story or giving you the vision that requires me to tell my story within the song.

I'd call my music Non-Compromising Christian music, I will not sugarcoat the word of God, and the things that people are doing to go against his word.

When did you start performing?
How I got started singing, was not, nor is it a conventional way that most people have started singing. It was after I experienced the loss of my husband Johnny Jackson, known to many in the industry as Johnny "J", who produced records selling over 100 million worldwide. After his passing, a prophet, told me that I was going to be a singer, and I laughed at him. It was only after, I laughed at him he told me that my name was going to be Coppe. The reason I laughed at him, because I was tone deaf, and my late husband always wished I could sing, so he could produce records on me.

When I was told that my name was gonna be Coppe, upon becoming a singer as I was prophesied to do so. I was intrigued, how the prophet knew my childhood nickname, only my friends and family called me that. Three months after the prophesy, it came true, God woke me up out of a sound sleep, and miraculously I started singing words upon words of praise, and I wrote about 3 songs without music on July 1, 2009.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
I consider my hometown, Pasadena/Altadena, California, this is where I grew as a child. Even tough over the years, I moved outside of the city, and within the last three years I moved to Arizona, I still consider, Pasadena/Altadena, my hometown.

I am not sure, that I can say that being my hometown has affected my music in anyway, even though the stories I tell in my music, are about life changes, I haven't written about my childhood, in my music.

What performers have been your inspiration?
The performers that inspire me are King and Country, and Toby Mack. I am inspired by these artist, because first and foremost they are great songwriters and musicians. Along with that, there performances exude the potentials of the artist in their genre.

What do you base your success on?
I base my success on growth, reason being we all have to start somewhere, and are not gonna just be number one at something the moment we present our talent, music, ministry to the world. I think growth, and taking those baby steps as we grow, will turn into leaps, and not allow the pressure to be looked at as an idol of some type, which we are not supposed to be, according to the Bible, we are to have no other idol, but God.

What was your latest musical release?
My latest musical release is "Set Me Free", the inspiration of this songs, is for those including myself, being able to be set free from sin, bondage of any kind no matter what is is in life. We are free from sing, by the grace of God, and the giving of the blood of Jesus, that was shed for our sins.

If we recognize that, it is the Bible itself who inspires us that we are more than conquerers by him that loves us. It is also the things around us seeing that you can make it through any opstacle, and being set free from the trials and tribulations that come along in this life.

Do you have any news to share?
Yes, I do have some news to share, though, I am not a person that likes to Boast about my accomplishments, because I see them all as stepping stones, for the call on our lives that God called us as vessels, to glorify him. Three of my songs made it to the number 1 position on the World Indie Music Charts, and the European Indie Music Charts. Those songs are Jesus Rocks, Pick The Gate, and Dance In The Dark, which held the position for 3 weeks. One of my songs War Cry, made it to the top of both of the charts at number 3, position.

I consider these steps in the right direction, letting me know, that I'm doing God's will, and the breakthrough for those to hear the music that God called me to sing to the wold is being accepted, and heard. I will be releasing two new singles, "Set Me Free, that was just released last week, and "Keep Asking", set to release on July 7th.

How can fans find you?

Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

I’d like to thank you for recognizing what it is that I do, I want people to know, it is not for people to glorify me, it is for people to glorify God, I am a called vessel to spread to Gospel. I may not be a household name, but it is not about the fame, he called my name.

Blessings to all, I pray for the salvation of everyone.