Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity by Ora Nadrich is a comprehensive but never long winded book. My interest in mindfulness philosophy predisposes me to find a lot of virtues recommending this book, but a single reading of Nadrich’s new work convinces me even those with little to no familiarity with the concept of mindfulness can get a great deal out of this work. Nadrich’s second book is as accessible as her first; she has an instinctive knack for making spiritual and high flown concepts as practical as breathing rather than dressing them up in pseudo-poetic musings obscuring the points she attempts to make. The conversational prose style defining the book never wavers. She, likewise, presents her ideas and assertions in a well organized text rather than haphazardly riffing on the topic hoping readers will follow along. Ora Nadrich’s Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity is a book capable of making a deep impact with first reading and rewarding readers with further readings afterwards.
The book has grounding in Buddhist traditions and practices recurring throughout its pages, but Nadrich isn’t looking to make converts. She uses those aforementioned practices and traditions as tools to further illuminate her ideas and advice for readers with great success. Some readers may think she spends an inordinate amount of time “talking up” the reader and extolling the value of self above all else, but this is a misreading in my opinion. There is, I believe, a tacit acknowledgement anyone finding their way to this text likely does so as a reflection of unaddressed needs in their own life and Nadrich is eager to provide encouragement for those feeling their way forward in search of transformation.
The bulk of Live True is, as the title signals, focused on promoting mindfulness practices. She puts these forth cognizant of the trials and obstacles we face in our day to day lives and prescribes practical remedies for addressing any gnawing discontent we are experiencing. Much of this centers on her chapter by chapter dissection of human life’s dominant concerns; the passage of time, the past, future, and so on. It is, by no means, a comprehensive take on human experience and doesn’t pretend to be one. It does make an earnest attempt, however, to provide as thorough of an overview as possible and succeeds in touching on the majority of those aforementioned issues.
Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity is the latest in a long line of books about mindfulness in recent years. I think the obvious dedication and profound insight Nadrich brings to this work makes it among the best and, as an added bonus, it is a text readers can indefinitely revisit searching for fresh perspectives on their own issues and ways of addressing them. Life’s slings and arrows can often sting and take us out of the moment, but we are fortunate to have such gifted teachers among us willing to share their ideas and experiences in a form we can consult as need arises.
Clay Burton