Nordic Daughter

Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
It’s really unique! The music itself is a combination of traditional and contemporary melody, with hard-hitting lyrics that really explore deeper concepts in the human psyche. We call it a viking folk alternative rock. The Viking is not a genre but we do dress the part for the stage! Most important note, it’s all originally written by me and my husband.

When did you start performing?
The band initially formed in 2016 but we started off as a duo. Jason and I write all of the song and then bring in other players for arrangements. So when we started adding other players we knew that in order to keep the music moving forward we were going to need to hire some live session players. We have 2 to 3 backups of each member other than guitar and vocals, so we don’t have to decline any gigs that come along. Jason and I own the project so we never have to start over.

Our current violin player, Sarah Jylkka, has been with a project for about a year and a half and is committed to the project on a level we haven’t seen before. Her consistency and dedication to the music and the business exceeds our expectations. We also currently have Jason ‘s brother Chris Lycan playing drums for the project for the last year. This is the most consistent lineup we’ve had since we started.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
Denver Colorado is definitely our hometown. This is where the band originated and we play a lot around the state. I personally am from Alaska which doesn’t always play into the music but it does play into our touring future. Colorado has certainly embraced us and we have a decent West Coast following.

What performers have been your inspiration?
You know the artist that really inspire me the most are artists that are able to put it all out there on the stage. Not every performer truly performs. Some are just great Musicians and some can draw the audience in and emote at a level that the audience literally feels exactly what the artist is feeling. Tina Turner, Trent Reznor, artists like Michael Jackson, David Bowie, and what’s even more impressive is the artists that were able to do that without drugs and alcohol. Connecting to the audience is the key and this is the level of inspiration I am looking for.

What do you base your success on?
Our success is really attributed to the level of authenticity that we portray as artists. We have an organic writing process so we’re never sitting down and choosing to write a song with intention we let the songs come to us. They unfold from the ether as if they were gifted to us. Connecting to the audience in this super intimate way with our music build bridges between us and our fans. We create spaces where people can dress up escape from their mundane reality and connect with other beautiful souls that are searching, this is why we do this crazy thing called entertainment!

What was your latest musical release?
Our latest release “Return to the Wild” dropped on May 15. This song is a call to humanity to connect with that wild creative place inside of them, the energy or spirit that draws us back to nature. In a highly technical world humans crave something deeper, their feet in the grass, breathing fresh air, standing on top of the mountain and connecting to the majesty of everything. We long for deeper meaning to our lives, deeper connection to our planet, food, friends and families and it’s calling to us in our bones.

Find that raw creative light connection inside of yourself so you can fill up and give back at the wild world.

Do you have any news to share?
Well we are traveling quite a bit this year so check out her events page on our website at the link below. You can catch us in Colorado, Alaska, Kentucky, Texas and potentially Florida this year. We hope to be connecting with fans another market soon. If you have a promoter that you love and you want us to come to your market all you need to do is shoot us an email and we can work it out.

Finally we are releasing our first vinyl record this year, which is our third album. It should be ready by fall 2023.

How can fans find you?

Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

We believe that there is a light side of everything but also an incredible darkness. We believe in each every one of you! Some of us have pretty intense traumas and trauma responses, trauma that we can bring with us into relationships and lives that hold no space for trauma to process. We want to help those interested to write their own songs, process their own trials and release the events control over them in a healthy way.

Please reach out to us via email to learn more about how to schedule a session!