Lucas Roy

Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
My art is singer/songwriter inspired. I know that’s a broad genre, and to be frank, I’ve always had a hard time pinpointing what exactly it is. Most of the music I make and write is designed primarily for acoustic guitar. A lot of my songs are written for the average human. They’re songs about life, getting older, having fun, and being a human. Love, loss, drinking, having fun – they’re all different feelings but fuel the direction of my songs.

When did you start performing?
It’s crazy thinking back to when I first started performing. 14 years ago, I stepped on a stage for the first time in my life. It was exhilarating – I remember being excited, anxious, and nervous. I vividly remember walking on the stage for the first time ever with a guitar. The lights, the people, the unknown feeling of being on a stage. I felt so alive at that moment.

After that show, I kept playing live at talent shows, open mics, and anything I could. One day, the band I had at the time and I played at a high school talent show. We had probably been on stage 4-5 times to this point.

After the show, the owner of a small venue/restaurant asked us if we wanted to come play for them. I don’t even remember if the gig was paid – if it was it was probably like $50. But at the time, the opportunity was the best thing we could have asked for.

That was all 14 years ago. For the last 7 years, I have played or created music as a full-time career with full-time income. I feel very blessed to be in this position today where I can do something I love and still get paid for it.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
I grew up in the small town of Lyman, ME. Even though I live in a different place now – Lyman will always be my hometown.

I’ve always felt like a hometown lives within our identity of self. Like everything we do, our identity plays a role in our thoughts, actions, and ultimately our being.

So naturally, hometown feelings and emotions will play into our songs and creative processes. So yes – if you’re from a small town, you will probably relate more to my music then most people from a city.

What performers have been your inspiration?
I went to a John Mayer concert in Wataugh, NY before I was a fan of John Mayer.

I remember I was absolutely blown away by his stage presence and the feeling he provoked from the audience. Skills aside, it was the entire atmosphere that encapsulated me.

I also have some smaller, local artists who inspired me and proved that creating music and playing music can be turned into a career. One smaller artist from our area, Ben Kilcollins, probably doesn’t know this but his band inspired me and proved that it could be done.

What do you base your success on?
My yardstick of success has changed many times throughout my life. As I left my twenties and entered my thirties, I found that my priorities changed, and thus my measurement of success changed as well.

I base my success NOW on how much time I can control. Whether I am making music, traveling, building, doing a project, or hanging out with my dog or my family, I like to be able to control what I do.

If I have the freedom to choose, I consider that success.

What was your latest musical release?
My latest release is called “Courage of My Youth”. The inspiration came from legal and personal struggles I was going through at the time. It was about needed some new found strength to lift me up passed the obstacles that were currently preventing me from moving forward and being happy.

If you’re going through a struggle now, you will probably enjoy listening to the song.

Do you have any news to share?
I’ll be releasing a couple more songs throughout the year.

Expected an elevated level of songwriting and higher quality productions coming out in the next couple from years.

I’ve been focusing more on writing quality lyrics and less on quantity. So maybe I don’t release music as much as other artists – but expect the songs to get better and more relatable as we go!

How can fans find you?

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Lucas Roy (singer/songwriter) – Portland, Maine

Lucas Roy is a pop/folk singer/songwriter from Portland, Maine. Find his debut EP “Too Far Gone” on all major music outlets.

Lucas Roy

This will be a collection of music videos created by yours truly. Everything from cover songs to original music videos. I like using my RC-30 to create loop songs (more to come). Please subscribe and help me reach my dream! The goal is to get to 200 subscribers by the end of 2016.

Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

Thank you so much for reading my interview. Whether we know each other or your someone I’ve never met, I genuinely appreciate your time and attention.

The most valuable thing you can give to anyone is your time and attention – please reach out and connect further if you feel inclined.