Kay Soul

Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
My music is a fusion of genres including soul, r&b, hiphop, pop, and gospel. I make music to heal the soul and speak to the heart. My goal is to share the broken pieces of myself and my own healing journey in hopes that others will be inspired to find the beauty in their broken spaces. As a result, my songs are heavily message driven and contain universal themes around mental health and self love and awareness while exploring universal emotions that everyone can relate to.

When did you start performing?
I have been performing since I was a kid in band and choir concerts all through my school years. I performed for the first time as a solo artist debuting an original song at a high school more than ten years ago. The stage has always felt like home. I find the courage to tell my story behind the mic in a way that I can’t always do in general conversation. It has taken years of developing my craft at open mics and small intimate venues to now performing at major festivals, featuring in showcases, and headlining my own shows.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
Chicago will always be my hometown. It is the city where I was raised and where my love for music blossomed from being a kid sitting on the porch writing poetry to recording in major studios around the city and releasing original music. Growing up in a city like Chicago has given my music edge, heart, and relatability.

What performers have been your inspiration?
I’ve studied many performers over the years. I’m truly inspired by performers like Steve Wonder and Whitney Houston and their ability to create an atmosphere with there voice that pulls you in and leaves you holding on to every note.

What do you base your success on?
I base my success on my obedience to the calling on my life. I truly believe that God has given me my musical gifts and has purposed me for this work. That being said, my gifts have made room for me allowing my music to connect with multiple people around the world.

What was your latest musical release?
I recently released my new single “Profit a Man”. Profit A Man is a song that tells the story of being in transition. Exploring the mental anguish of believing in yourself when you look and sound nothing like the norm and not giving in to societal pressures to be like everyone else. The song is based in biblical scripture as I also wanted to provide a resource for listeners to find comfort. As a healing artist, I feel that it is my responsibility to use my voice to save souls. I’m commenting on the current state of the world being consumed with superficial things that can cause people to compromise their morals and values. I’m calling it out and offering a resolution for our fears, worries and pains which is the word of God.

Do you have any news to share?
I am currently working on a new full length studio album. I will also be performing music from my August 2022 EP “Connections” at multiple venues this summer including the 3rd Annual Ambitions Entertainment Award Ceremony, in Chicago, where I am nominated for several awards including album of the year.

How can fans find you?
Fans can reach out to me on my website and connect with me on all my social media platforms.



Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

Walking in your purpose and answering a higher calling on your life requires focus, consistency, and belief in yourself. I hope that my journey will encourage and inspire others to pursue their goals, dreams, and passions. Don’t let naysayers talk you out of your destiny. Know that you have everything you need inside of you today to take the first steps.