Download: Composer’s Contract
I, _______________________________________________________, (herein known as “COMPOSER”) do hereby agree not to produce, sell, or market the recordings listed below until the debt and obligation to the parties herein listed are paid in full. The musical compositions shall include and are limited to:
These song(s) were recorded at ________________________________ Studios, located at ________________________________________________________
in the City of __________________, State of ______.
The pay scale figures (to be determined) reflect American Federation of Musicians scale rates at the time the recordings were made. I agree to make all payments to the persons listed below before releasing for sale to the public or assigning any rights in any of the above recordings.
Persons due payment for services rendered on above recordings:
Name |
Service |
Payment Due |
If PRODUCER has made payment to any of the parties listed below, COMPOSER will reimburse PRODUCER his receipted expenses incurred in making payments to above mentioned person(s).
COMPOSER further agrees to reimburse PRODUCER for any and all receipted expenses PRODUCER has incurred in the production of the above song titles and during the recording sessions specified herein.
GOVERNING LAW: This AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws and in the courts of the State of _____________ and by the laws of the United States, excluding their conflicts of law principles. Any dispute or legal proceeding regarding the AGREEMENT shall take place in the county of _____________, in the State of _________________.
DATED: _______________________
For Composer For Producer
Signature | |
Name | Name
Address | Address
City/State/Zip | City/State/Zip
Telephone | Telephone