Blues Guitarist Alex Lopez Releases New Album
In the year that’s gone by since the release of his last album, I think it goes without saying that Alex Lopez has grown a lot as a musician. Just listening to any excerpt from […]
In the year that’s gone by since the release of his last album, I think it goes without saying that Alex Lopez has grown a lot as a musician. Just listening to any excerpt from […]
George Mallas’ third full-length collection Let the Day Decide continues delivering the New Yorker’s unique blend of the personal touch along with a steady influence of Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Elton John, and others of […]
Elektragaaz hails from the New York City-New Jersey area and it’s safe to say no one else working today is quite like them. Comic strips, techno, rock, classical music, gaming, club, and even film noir […]
There’s been something of a seismic shift with respect to how corporate hierarchies, and otherwise generally professional echelons and contextual milieus look at the employee as an individual. These days, thanks to movements like equal […]
B.B. Cole’s improbable rise from Central European obscurity to one of the country music’s best pure singer/songwriters to hit in some time is one of the genre’s 2022 highlights. Her debut collection Outgrowing Ourselves has the enviable […]
Miami-based Rapper, Felipe Luciano, has a journey that has given his music an edge that it would otherwise lack. He first discovered music in what can only be described as a moment of sheer poignancy. […]
Christopher D. Kolenda’s editorial compilation book Leadership: The Warrior’s Art is simply put, an ode to warriors. Not a cheap set of semantics, but an actual breakdown and toast to what makes – again, simply put, a warrior. […]
“This is a book about you, the hero of our story. You’re the much-loved, often-misunderstood wearer of many B2B marketing hats. The technologist, the strategist, the customer champion, the data expert, the creative leader, the […]
Regardless of specificity or overall genre, a lot of books suffer from saying too much. A lot of reads typically benefit from they don’t choose to say, as much as what they do. But in […]
Dr. Ronald Alexander PhD’s new book is titled Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self, and as the title would suggest the book is all about pursuing the often maligned, rarely utilized […]
Move on Robert Frost’s Good fences make good neighbors. Good fences make good bosses, and everything that entails. “Leadership is a complex topic. At any given point you can walk down the aisle of your […]
It’s clear from the tonality of James T. McKim, Jr.’s new book that he’s encouraging you to have agency. To be proactive. To be a go-getter. The time for diplomatic word choice and excess flowery […]
Bryant Lusk writes with the detail of a genuine storyteller, not just a medical professional transcribing information to an uninitiated audience. In his new book, succinctly titled Heart Disease & Hypertension: Vitamin Therapy for a […]
NYC’s, IamDJStaxx, has taken some of the primary aspects of R&B and combined them with Gangsta Rap to arrive at the third installment of Lost Talent 3. LT3 focuses on inner city struggles and contains […]
Acerbic, agile, and engaging, Birmingham, Alabama’s Christopher The Grey is slyly making a name for himself in the world of Hip-Hop. Boasting a recent collaboration with Snoop Dogg, Christopher has made great strides in affirming […]
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