Artist Residency – WARSHADFILM meets Carlo Levi


The project is funded by the Matera 2019 Foundation within the framework of an open call for which Noisecapes emerged as the top winner in the macro area of Artistic Residencies.

Embracing the timeless dance between art and history, we are thrilled to announce a mesmerizing collaboration that transcends the boundaries of imagination. Presenting the Artistic Residency with the visionary artists, Warshadfilm, in partnership with Foundation Matera 2019.

Nestled in the heart of Aliano village, where the echoes of centuries past reverberate through cobblestone streets, Warshadfilm will embark on a transformative journey from December 26 to 31, 2023. This ephemeral sojourn promises to be a convergence of artistry and heritage, as the artists delve into the tapestry of Carlo Levi’s archive.

Drenched in the ethereal glow of analog 16mm film, the artists will weave a cinematic masterpiece, pushing the boundaries of the visual realm. The lens, a poetic conduit, will capture the spirit of Aliano, echoing the whispers of its storied past while projecting the dreams of its future.

Carlo Levi’s archive serves as the sacred script, the ink of history bleeding into each frame. A dialogue will unfold, a silent discourse between the past and present, inviting us to witness the magic that transpires when creativity dances with the echoes of time.

Carlo Levi during the fascist regime, in the years 1935-36 he was sentenced to confinement in Basilicata (at the time called, officially, Lucania) because of his anti-fascist activities. He spent a period first in Grassano and later in Aliano (which is called Gagliano in the book, imitating the local pronunciation), where he got to know the reality of those lands and its people. During his confinement in Aliano, repeatedly requested by the local poor, Levi resumed practicing his profession as a doctor for free, thus coming to know in a direct way the miserable conditions of the local peasants.

The writer in his last wishes expressed that of being buried in Aliano “among his peasants.” In the village all the places described in the novel are still intact, and some of the book’s symbolic phrases are imprinted in the alleys. Levi had here the opportunity to discover another Italy, which was, precisely, the peasant Italy of the Mezzogiorno.

But this film goes beyond the idyllic surface, exploring the secret connections between remote places and growing cities.Aliano is an extreme border village, nestled in the majesty of nature but marked by its remoteness from larger urban centers. In contrast, cities face gentrification, overpopulation and urbanization and are in danger of losing their unique spirit. This project highlights the delicate balance between life in hamlets and metropolises and emphasizes how these realities can learn from each other.

The goal of the residency is to create a cinematic work that inspires a broader reflection on the challenges and opportunities faced by far-flung villages and metropolitan cities. This film will invite audiences to reconsider their relationship with nature, history and community, and to rediscover the relevance of art in telling these stories.

WARSHADFILM is a film research duo composed of Tiziano Doria & Samira Guadagnuolo founded in 2019. Their work is grafted onto the processes of analog photography and film. Much of it takes place in the darkroom where they develop and print all their materials. This is intimately linked to the search for a form and language that find – in the minimal degree of the tools and their technical possibilities – a conceptual and poetic correspondence.

WARSHADFILM has produced several films, film installations and live performances and have been guests at major international festivals, reviews and events including Locarno Film festival, Torino Film Festival, Thessaloniki Film Festival where they won the prestigious Golden Alexander Award in 2022.

Noisecapes is a project conceived in 2021 to valorise and promote Matera (UNESCO heritage since 1993 and European Capital of Culture in 2019), Region of Lucania and their unique landscape & culture through music, visual and contemporary art by using and developing innovative and sustainability-oriented technologies.

Noisecapes has been originally founded by Stefano Tripodi, active since 10 years in the Lucania territory with his cultural association The View From Lucania, whose aim is the Southern Italian Culture Valorisation through A/V projects and photography.

Home – Noisecapes

Watch back our 1st performing Act aired on January 6, 2021 from the rupestrian church of S. Maria de Armenis – Matera with the contribution of the artists Inner 8, Marco Segato presents La Serpiente and Katatonic Silentio. Analog footages by WARSHADFILM.
