Adeline Yeo

Thank you for taking the time to have this interview with IMAAI.
Tell us about your music.
I was a self-taught music composer. My music is about pop, hiphop, electronic, bossa nova, jazz, lofi genres of original instrumental music. Sometimes, I like simple childrens songs.

When did you start performing?
I don’t have actual performing experience. It was started in about 2022 whereas I was mesmerized by some pop genre cover songs which I used to play instrumental music on my keyboard as a beginner learning piano and showcased my musical crafts through reels and videos.

What do you consider to be your hometown and how does that affect your music?
My hometown is Singapore. The area doesn’t really aligns with music or entertainment culture. It affects my music because oversea foreign music culture probably a better fit for what I wish to do.

What performers have been your inspiration?
Some of those performers have inspired me are Mariah Carey, Toni Braxton, Phil Collins, Richard Clayderman, Elton John, Jimi Hendrix, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

What do you base your success on?
My success is base on how I can put in my time, effort and promotion of my music business in order to have better brand exposure.

What was your latest musical release?
My latest musical release is River Of Lights. The music inspiration came from a group of boat

Do you have any news to share?
Yes, recently I have just released my hiphop genre Colorful Balloons Music Single Release Songcard. If listeners would like to support my first new songcard as a gift for themselves or others, please check it out here:

How can fans find you?
Artist Website

Adeline Yeo

Indie Musician, Composer And Producer from Asia.


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Adeline Yeo – Topic

Adeline Yeo is an unsigned Indie Musician based in Asia region, Singapore. With no prior musical knowledge and experience, she stumbled upon a new music program and she began her music compositions in her Indie music journey. As she keep on practising her craft, her fingers became more nimble and soon she was able to produce beautiful melodies.


TikTok – Make Your Day

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Lastly, please share some final words with the fans.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have in this interesting artist interview. Hop if you continue to support Indie Musicians contributions in the Indie music industry.