INTERVIEW: Sai Ye Htet Kaung talk about New Album “Light up the Night”

EDM Producer Sai Ye Htet Kaung released his 16 tracks third album “Light Up the Night”

Kevin : So you’re rolling out your album “Light Up the Night” . Can you tell me a little bit about this album?

Sai Ye : It’s 16 tracks album most of them are EDM . Tracks are in not same EDM genre . They are in sub genre for each track.

Kevin : Which track you recommended to the first time listener and tell me about the story of track?

Sai Ye : Well I recommend the track to listened as it is but album titled “Light up the Night” is recommended . The story behind the track title is sometime you lost in the dark night alone and can’t find a way and lonely but don’t lose hope and you are the one who can light up the night on your own when you don’t give up hope.

Kevin : You also collaborate with Lucia and Harry Jacob and released single album and EP album right ? How do you met and how do you collaborate ?

Sai Ye : Yes , I produced Lucia EP album “You and Me” and other three single albums and also two single album with Harry Jacob. We are online friends that met on online games . We share PC screen and send stem for record and mix.

Kevin : What else are you working on right now ?

Sai Ye: I been focused on continuing to release music and collaborate with other artists and also producing for the music for the artist who need producer.
